The Muscle Maximizer

Posted by : Unknown Saturday, June 22, 2013

6 ways to get rid of belly fat fast

Takes more than just doing an exercise milling (cranch), Vogesamna begin to gain weight in the central region of the body; and when the high level of cortisol in it; This would reduce the size of lean muscle (a type of tissue that burns fat effectively), It also keeps the storage of fat in the abdominal area. And can increase the stress situation is even worse in the case of dieting bad; studies have shown that stress caused by dieting particular can raise levels of the hormone cortisol in the body, which prevents rid of abdominal fat, even when reducing the consumption of more calories. Here's the question? How can sustain on fitness? Mark these things the 6 following part of the - of your system, and will be on the right track towards getting a flat
belly unprecedented!


1. Bedrooms:

If you intend to work in the late hours of the night, the I advise that the thinking in this matter. When you stop the vital activities in your body, you end up eating more food, and when you are tired, your body secretes more Hromun grylin which in turn affects the generation of a strong desire to eat sugar and foods that work to accumulate more fat. The lack of sleep may be accompanied by a change in the secretion of hormones in your body;, which in turn affects the levels of the hormone cortisol, which cause allergies to insulin, and these are the basic reasons for the emergence of the abdomen! Getting enough sleep for 7 hours a night a day from one of the best that you can do to get on svelte strength.

2. Exercise performance and successive short periods

If you perform an exercise milling (cranck) a thousand times per night, you'll get strong muscles in the abdominal area, but while maintaining a complete layer of fat ; and thus will not get the results you really want. Instead of performing this exercise with so much, perrm calisthenics require the involvement of a variety of muscle groups which, in addition to activating the circulatory system. Try to exercise performance  so that your body position similar to be like when the pressure to do exercises, while stretching the forearms on the ground, and repeat the exercise 3 to 4 times; for 30 seconds at a time.
3. Sugar is the arch-enemy:

The fight against fat is in itself a healthy diet by 80%. You can limit the number of calories you eat by satisfy yourself protein, vegetables and whole grains, and then replace the bad snacks with good ones. For example, if you have a desire to eat sugar, Fasted for coffee-filled calorie powdered whey - which is one of the things dear to - as it is sugar-free, and has a ton of protein that will satisfy your desire while still still want to eat sugar burning! Other examples of tricks you can do is to put promises cinnamon or a small amount of oats in the morning cup of coffee; subtle Valtam of would help to balance the level of sugar in the blood, it also slows down the rate of movement of food remaining in the stomach; helping you feeling fullness for a longer period.

4. Vitamin C (C):

If you are in a state of severe tension, you isolate a larger amount of the hormone cortisol. Vitamin C helps to achieve a balance in the levels of the hormone cortisol, which undergone change and you are in a state of tension. As well as the fact that vitamin C is a good way to fight a bad Papyrus;, this vitamin important role in the manufacture of carnitine, a compound used by the body to convert fat into fuel; therefore vitamin Make this your friend to burn fat.

If you suffer from an emotional crisis, or from stress at work, or from habits تبذيرية in eating; eat more vitamin C, it helps you in the face of negative side effects. Try eating sweet peppers, cabbage, or kiwi; These fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C than those found in the famous orange fruit so.

5. Fat intake:

Yes, fat intake, you need fat to burn fat. As previously reported, eating sugar Axpk the fat, but fat is not doing it. The good fats are found in foods that are rich in omega-3 such as salmon, avocados and nuts, this nutrient-rich foods that will give you a sense of saturation throughout the day.

6. Slow down the respiration rate:

This is a very easy way so that you can do even if you are in the midst of doing something. Whenever you notice that you feel tense and nervous watched the way your breathing. Most of the people who live under the pressure of tension either stop short breath and leadeth them out, or to take a quick breath is not deep. Once identified the method of breathing, then involuntarily abdominal muscle and then slower rate of breathing. This has the best Mfon If you cast your focus on slowing down the process of exhaling rather than inspiration; so that the period in which graduated exhale slowly enough because you say the word "slower". That's all so far, things may seem easy but it is surprisingly effective

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