The Muscle Maximizer

Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, June 26, 2013

4 best ways to increase muscle weight


1-In order to gain weight quickly you eating 5 or 6 times a day instead of 3 meals a day. This is how:

Eat your food less than usual, so that this change is intended to enjoy, including food intake without feeling weighed on your stomach muscles Fterih the stomach and digestive system.

5 or 6 meals a day, how so? Additional meals, for example, at ten o'clock in the morning and immediately after training and before going to sleep, these additions to accommodate working more than usual amounts without annoying fatigue of the stomach.
The frequent dining batch and single and bulk harass Bodybuilder body during exercise, it seems to fatigue and shortness of breath.

2- Eating foods that contain important nutrients, which helps to amplify the muscle.

The protein-rich food is better because it gives you strength and increase you weight.

Stay away from foods Kalmrdobat and ice cream and desserts that contain a lot of calories and take the bad instead of her food naturally has the advantage of more and better result.

Eat easy to digest food can absorb, juice, grilled lean meat ....

These are some of the foods that increase your weight, namely:

Milk, eggs, chicken, fish, almonds, walnuts, dried figs, dates, raisins, butter, cheese, trachea (Souda), cereals, fresh fruit, much as found, apples, pears. Peaches, apricots, peaches, grapes, home cooked soup Rice, vegetables, meat, potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, beets, carrots, green peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, parsley ....

3- Focus on what you eat your food until you have not lost your appetite and hinder your digestive system [not watching TV, reading, ...........]. He tried to stretch a half hour before a meal and listen to soft music while food and be consistent every meal after a few minutes.

These factors help the digestive system to work., And there are other factors and tips, including:

- Commitment to exercise in order to develop all the members of your body
- Work account that does not have exercise stressful and tired at the present time and so to get your weight where you want to
- You'll sleep for an hour or two hours in excess of the usual sleep
- After returning from work better for you to relax in order to relieve your digestive system and the nervous system


4- The digestive system works in a completely different way when the owners of objects slender Palmqrna when the owners of ordinary objects.

The owners of thin bodies, mostly eat too much, but it does not appear on the muscles, why?

The digestive system when these elite athletes work a lot, which prevents the absorption elements found in foods
That means they are losing their food from the food
The best way order Tptt that ate granulated you among the useful and nutritious foods.When you can see that the weight began to exercise more and increase Arise bodybuilding exercises for muscle grow weak and do you know of any member of your body requires exercise and any growth you know weakness and try to strengthen them to fit with the rest of the members.

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