The Muscle Maximizer

Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's very easy to start a training or a diet, the problem is to maintain it for longer, than just few days. Read on how to maximize your chances, when your will is not as strong, as it maybe should be ;)

1. Go public with it

Tell everyone that you've started a diet or a training plan, tell your family, your colleagues, post it on facebook. People will start to get involved, ask how it's going, how much did you lose or gain. You will be ashamed to tell them, that you've given up on your plans.

2. No-matter-what days

A diet is a way of living. By starting a new one, you have to change the old one. It's always hard to forget old habits, so you'll need to be patient and work hard, to get used to new ones. This takes about 3 weeks, after this time it becomes your new routine.

3. Plan ahead

You cannot let yourself break diet rules just because you have no time to eat, or you didn't do the shopping. Prepare your meals the day before and remember to do your shopping with a well-thought-out list. 

4. No drastic changes

You are most probably used to the way you live. Your body will respond with a shock to any drastic changes and will crave to come back to old habits. Be patient - give yourself time. You're changing your diet for a lifetime, so you can take things slow. 

5. Water is your friend

Don't forget, that it's the most important fluid in your life and 4/5 of your body. Remember to drink at least 1,5l a day. You can't overdose here.

6. Why do you eat

Ask yourself this question every time you want to take a trip to your fridge. For now you're eating to reach a certain goal, not because you're bored.

7. Cheat !

There is nothing like a good cheat meal :) After few weeks of strict diet you're allowed a nice burger or a cake. Your metabolism is in such a rush, that it won't even notice it, and you're gonna feel great! Both physically and psychically. 

8. You won't eat, what's you don't have

Keep at home only this kind of food, you’re allowed to eat. Cravings will come, believe me, and if there's anything at home you can eat, you'll find it like a retriever drugs.

9. Spice up your life

The food you're going to eat will taste like a shoe. Lack of fat and carbs in your meals will be the reason for this. Use spices and herbs until you get used to it.

10. Collect evidence

We see ourselves every day. It's hard to see the changes if they happen on your watch. Take pictures of yourself once every two or three days. You'll be able to notice every change in your body ;)

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